Consider their value
Natasha Cleeve
May 29, 2021
“Natasha, I need an Executive level interim please to do xxx”.

“Marvellous, whats your budget”?

“£400.00 per day”

“Do wot?”

“That’s what we’re prepared to pay. It’s a buyers market & we know we can get them for that price.”

“True…you probably can to be fair. You might even get some very good ones. There are only so many times you can paint the shed & there are plenty of people out there right now who would rather be doing something than nothing. Even for half their true market value”.

“Excellent, chop, chop – off you go then and find me one”.

“Well hold on a second… what are your expectations of this individual?”

“Well, we need them to bring all their expertise to our business and help us not only find the solution to our pain, but then make it all better please. We anticipate it will take 3-6 months”.

“Okaaay…. though to be fair, if you don’t know the solution, you can’t ring fence the timescale for resolution. Probably best we leave that bit to them eh?”

“We’ll keep them longer if we need them”.

“That’s not your decision to make. It’s theirs”.

“Oh, never thought of it like that. How do we ensure we keep them?”

“Oh, I dunno… maybe consider their value over their cost and play fair?”